Voucher for one-day tickets
Your free online vouchers.
Invite your customers to LOPEC 2024. We will provide you with an unlimited number of free vouchers for a one-day ticket, which you can then pass on directly to your customers. The overwhelming majority of visitors who receive vouchers visit the stand of the exhibitor who invited them. We keep a record of the numbers of all vouchers redeemed at the entrance. We make these visitor records available to you in the Exhibitor Shop both in advance of and after the show. That way you know who actually used their guest tickets, information you can incorporate into your other post-fair activities.
Your benefit:
- No additional costs–regardless how many vouchers you send out and how many vouchers are redeemed.
- A busy stand–stand out even before the trade fair has begun by inviting your customers and arouse interest in your stand.
Advertise your presence at LOPEC 2024 early on: Simply include the logo templates in your advertising right away! Whether it’s for print or online use, all you need to do is download the required file.
4c or b/w
Your contact
Voucher, Banner
Email: advertising@messe-muenchen.de