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Welcome Interstitial

Welcome all visitors LOPEC 2024

Benefit from this most prominent ad placement and present your highlights with every use of the LOPEC app.

The Welcome Interstitial appears as a full screen ad directly after opening the LOPEC app. Thus, you are the first who will be in touch with the visitors.

The Welcome Interstitial in the app is bookable only once.

Welcome Interstitial in the LOPEC app € 1,595

  • Company logo on the start screen

    Company logo on the start screen

  • Splash screen in the app

    Splash screen in the app

  • 3 additional subpages

    3 additional subpages

Exclusive page

Your company in the focus

Present your company and products in the main menu of the LOPEC app under your own menu item. An icon with your logo directly on the home screen leads to your individually designed exclusive page.

This is the most prominent way to present your company and your product range!

Your exclusive page in the app includes:

  • Icon with your company logo directly on the start page of the app as a menu item
  • Clicking on the icon your ad displays for 5 seconds as splash screen on the whole screen of the mobile device
  • A start page and up to three additional subpages (e.g. text and images)
Exclusive page € 1,395

Push notifications

Your direct line to the LOPEC visitors

With push notifications you reach all the users of the LOPEC app and call their attention to your company. 

If you are having an event at your booth or would like to highlight a project, make use of a push notification to all app users and get them talking about you. You decide on the date and time of your push notification.

Push notification* € 295
* There is only a limited availability of push notifcations.

  • Banner on the start screen

    Banner on the start screen

  • Directory banner

    Directory banner


Banner on the start screen

Make use of the start screen of the LOPEC app to draw attention to your company.

Directory banner

Increase your quality contacts with the directory banner. It is published in often-used categories of the LOPEC app and in the exhibitor portal, such as the list of exhibitors.


Banner on the home screen € 495
Directory banner € 545

Your contact

LOPEC Media Services
Tel. +49 89 666166-36