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Exclusive sponsoring

Promote exactly your products and application areas!

Address your target group directly and become an exclusive sponsor of your product sector or your application area in the exhibitor portal and the app!

Your banner appears permanently in your sponsored main category in the LASER World of PHOTONICS exhibitor portal and app and as an exclusive banner placement in the category’s further navigation. Your logo is also included in the overview of the application or product directory.

Exclusive sponsoring of a product sector € 1,950
Exclusive sponsoring of an application area € 1,950


Exclusive hall sponsoring

Take center stage

With the exclusive hall sponsoring you make sure to stand out!

Here, you receive not only a half-side advertisement next to your hall in the Visitor Guide. You can also publish your banner right next to your hall in the online hall plans.

  • Banner under your online hall plan of the exhibitor portall
  • Banner on top of the exhibitor list of the online hall plan
  • Pop-up banner under the hall plan in the app for several seconds
  • 1/2 page ad next to your hall plan in the LASER World of PHOTONICS Guide
Exklusive hall sponsoring € 2,750


WiFi sponsoring

Welcome the visitors

Welcome the LASER World of PHOTONICS visitors right at the beginning of their trade fair attendance – when they log in to the free WiFi at the fairgrounds.

Everyone who wants to use the WiFi service has to register on the portal page. By placing a banner on this page you will reach all trade fair visitors using this service.

WiFi sponsoring* € 2,500
*Bookable only once.


Your contact

Media Services
LASER World of PHOTONICS Media Services
Phone:+49 89 666166-24